I’m talking here about their hardware (MacBook, iPhone, iPad, iWatch) and software (iCloud, Apple One, mail, passwords, wallet, other apps), in terms of owning all of that.

What’s your opinion on using everything that comes from Apple? Is there anything that you would throw away from the “basket” full of apples? If yes, then what would be that and why?

  • Deemo
    2 years ago

    I’m a weirdo that was s half apple half Android. I have I ipad and Macbook and Android and Galaxy watch (also I do have iMessage on android thanks to bluebubbles runing on a older Mac Mini with opencore).

    I kinda like tinkering hence I choose android but I like the efficiency and continuity of apple silicon macs and ipads.

    As per apple services I use them at the bare minimum and try to rely on cross platform apps to replace some of the native apps.