Question to help me increase my understanding on what’s going on in the Linux desktop stack. I’ve heard Gnome doesn’t support VRR while KDE does.

Why does this matter, isn’t Wayland or X11 the one that would ultimately need to support VRR? Basically when running a game that I want to use VRR with, why does it matter what my desktop environment is doing?

    9 months ago

    Resources :

    KDE Landing Page, Bugs & Improvement Idea Guidelines, Contact Help, KDE Forum, Debugging How To If Needed and Run the Below Command for Useful Information :
    qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation

    Use KDE Neon Unstable (Plasma 6) in a Live Environment.

    Suggested Actions & Explanations :

    • The screenshot issue maybe fixed, have you tested it recently? I assume you mean Spectacle with Klipper. If it’s still happening, it’s likely something simple like the screenshot is being wiped out in Klipper storage when the Spectacle window is closed instead of sticky around.
      Perhaps a miss-configuring of the distro you’re using or a bug in Spectacle or Klipper itself.
      I’d recommend testing it with the latest version of Spectacle on Plasma 6(for latest Klipper) and checking what’s happening in ~/.local/share/klipper/history*.lst
      Then open a bug report on your findings if it’s still happening.
    • Scaling causing fuzzy font is a known issue related to DPI, it’s supposed to be getting fixed in Plasma 6.
    • This alt tab (Activities) bug was closed with “Needs Info”, you should probably open another one and provide the missing info using the old bug as reference.
    • Perhaps they could add/obey an animation, like slide-behind or genie. Might be worth opening a bug ‘suggestion’ report.
    • That’s a bug for sure, test in Plasma 6 and open a bug report if it’s still there.
    • I’ve personally never had any issues with theming Krunner, perhaps worth testing in Plasma 6 and opening a bug report.
    • Default settings app is getting a rework in Plasma 6, try it out make suggestions on how to improve it.
    • That’s the app not obeying the .desktop rules, it’s a design decision taken as to prevent a particular vulnerability where a malicious app could switch icon extremely rapidly causing all sorts of issues and allowing for potential arbitrary code execution.
      Gnome just said “fuck it, we don’t care; won’t fix” and left the vulnerability as is.