My neighbour at the time was a lovely rough diamond type with a big knife scar down his face. He said he had an idea who it might have been and was going to have words.
Of course, anybody who used to be on reddit with more than half a brain would rather be here instead. Feel free to keep running from regular public opinions on public forums.
Our cats are indoors. They used to be outdoors then some cunt shot one with an air rifle.
I hope you found the miscreant and shot them in the arsehole with a cricket bat!?
My neighbour at the time was a lovely rough diamond type with a big knife scar down his face. He said he had an idea who it might have been and was going to have words.
We moved out of that area not long after.
…burying the bodies.
That cunt was in that moment a better person and more responsible manager of your animals. Cats are a manmade plague that destroy the ecosystem.
Seems like we brought the reddit with us
Of course, anybody who used to be on reddit with more than half a brain would rather be here instead. Feel free to keep running from regular public opinions on public forums.
Found the yank