You’ll probably want to strip the whole hotend apart and see what the deal is. Without a nozzle, you should be able to just push the filament through by hand (after loosening the tension arm). I wonder if your PTFE tube is bad. Not sure how your extruder is setup, by my direct drive Volcano clone’s filament path is extruder gear > plastic filament guide > PTFE tube > heat break > nozzle. One of those things is bad. Tear it apart and inspect each part for damage and ensure you can easily feed filament through each part.
You’ll probably want to strip the whole hotend apart and see what the deal is. Without a nozzle, you should be able to just push the filament through by hand (after loosening the tension arm). I wonder if your PTFE tube is bad. Not sure how your extruder is setup, by my direct drive Volcano clone’s filament path is extruder gear > plastic filament guide > PTFE tube > heat break > nozzle. One of those things is bad. Tear it apart and inspect each part for damage and ensure you can easily feed filament through each part.
I’ll have to contact the manafacturers, it shouldn’t be breaking this often when I use it normally.
You can if it’s under warranty but this is pretty typical of the hobby unleas you’re buying a real high-end machine.
Really, having a problem every week? Anyway, it is under warranty for the first year, and it’s been just over a month, so I’m safe.