bit busy this week, so the thread is late

    9 months ago

    The handegg team from my city won! I don’t watch much football, but it actually was a decent, nailbiter of a game. Watched it with my friends online, so that was fun.

    On Friday, I was a little peeved with my HR/Payroll person. They switched some tax withholding stuff around for some of us, which isn’t a huge deal, but only because I and affected coworkers noticed it now. Like it was working fine as it was. There really was no reason to change things, especially like this. Oh well, I think I got it fixed. Should be good going forward.

    Related, but separate, I reached out to my contacts at a place where I’ve been tentatively hired. The processing is taking forever. Partly because of my laziness, but mostly because I need a security clearance and that takes forever; several months now. I’ve been getting a little antsy since I hadn’t heard anything in over a month. Was my stuff still being processed? Did I not get my clearance and they just didn’t tell me? Was the offer still valid? One contact didn’t respond at all which didn’t help. But the other did and he said everything has been submitted to the proper department for review, and that he hoped to hear something back this week. Even though it was just a status update and technically nothing has changed, it was still a relief to hear that.

    Later this week I’m going to go visit my parents and help them move. Then after that it’s my birthday. For that, my brother and I are going on a trip to San Diego for like 3-4 days. Haven’t been there since I was a kid, so excited to see what it’s like as an adult. Should be a good time.