Can’t you just break down water, use the hydrogen to power the electric motor, and I don’t think O2 as a byproduct is bad, now this is of course an ideal condition, but why hasn’t this been looked into more?

    9 months ago

    You don’t create power; you convert it and harness it. In an ICE, you convert chemical energy (gas or similar) into kinetic energy (explosion, turning a crankshaft, and rotating the wheels. Plus some of it going into the alternator) and heat, with a considerable amount still left as unused chemical energy (largely in the form of exhaust/soot)

    If you separate parts of the process (such as splitting water into hydrogen) the pieces you are looking at (burning hydrogen as fuel) could be very useful. You’re still converting chemical energy into kinetic energy and heat, and that may (or may not) be a better system than carrying around an electric battery with that same amount of energy.

    There is simply no way to start with water, perform a series of self-contained chemical reactions ending back with water, and having more energy than you started with.