Alt text: An apple fell on Isaac Newton’s head and gave him the idea that the moon might be a tasty apple, though this turned out not to be true–the Apollo program eventually determined that it was just a desolate and bland Red Delicious.

Hit me with your ridiculous futurism shower thoughts.

    1 year ago

    How would the commoditization of travel to the moon effect culture on Earth?

    Beverly Hills will be covered in contemporary architecture inspired by the moon and mars habitats. There will be weekend Moon-themed parties. There will be Moon-crazed rich people who visit the moon every weekend, and pretend they are explorers of the New World, displaying gift shop ‘artifacts’ all over their homes. There will be a Moon season, similar to the ski season, when it becomes safe to launch rockets. That day will be celebrated similar to a Halloween but with Aliens, we will decoratr our homes in galactic folklore objects purchasable from Walmart. The new Harvard will be the opportunity to study on the moon for a few months.

    Book recommendations? Someone has to have written this. Satire or fiction non-fiction.