I’m an old person that’s been around since the “Why can’t I hold all these limes” days and I’d disagree. Shitposting as an art is posting random shit. Weird shit. Irrelevant shit. But always funny shit. That’s where the term came from imo
It actually takes a bit of a sense of humour to recognise it and/or create it, and AI kinda takes that away
I’m an old person that’s been around since the “Why can’t I hold all these limes” days and I’d disagree. Shitposting as an art is posting random shit. Weird shit. Irrelevant shit. But always funny shit. That’s where the term came from imo
It actually takes a bit of a sense of humour to recognise it and/or create it, and AI kinda takes that away
Just my opinion, yours can be different