Hello! I’m craftyindividual, surviving admin of the group.
I’ve been pondering for some time but would prefer a more appropriate name for the group (named in haste after a Reddit group) - open to suggestions and placing a poll. Art and Traditional Art are already taken.
So far I’m considering:
Art for the masses Art attack I can’t believe it’s not Art
“Classic Art” or “Classic Art Gallery” based on the sharings I’ve seen, and btw-- thanks so much for all your work! (hopefully bot-assisted?)
OTOH, I can’t help but wonder if you’re perhaps overthinking this…
On the internet at least, “something-porn” seems like a pretty clear and instant signpost for the masses, and that’s arguably most important of all. It also possesses the zeitgeist of being down to earth and not overly haughty, so to speak. *shrug*
Oh no it’s cool. That’s why I picked the name. It’s just if I want to show the art to someone… who is less of an internet person I wouldn’t like them to be offended. Pretty sure we can stuck with this name.