I want to move away from Cloudflare tunnels, so I rented a cheap VPS from Hetzner and tried to follow this guide. Unfortunately, the WireGuard setup didn’t work. I’m trying to forward all traffic from the VPS to my homeserver and vice versa. Are there any other ways to solve this issue?
VPS Info:
OS: Debian 12
Architecture: ARM64 / aarch64
Traffic: 20 TB
Very interesting… How do I get started?
The SSH tunnel is just one command, but you may want to use autossh to restart it if it fails.
If you choose variant 2 you will need to configure a pass-through reverse proxy on the VPS that does TLS termination (uses correct certificates for each domain on 443). Look into nginx, caddy, traefik or haproxy.
For the full home proxy you will once again need a proxy but you’ll additionally need to do host routing to direct each (sub)domain to the correct app. You’ll probably want to use the same proxy as above to avoid learning two different proxies.
I would recommend either caddy (both) or nginx (vps) + nginx proxy manager (home) if you’re a beginner.
How do I make the SSH tunnel forward traffic? It can’t be as easy as just running
ssh user@SERVER_IP
in the terminal.(I only need variant 1 btw)
You also add the -R parameter:
https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-setup-ssh-tunneling/ (you want the “remote port forwarding”). ssh -R, -L and -D options are magical, more people should learn about them.
You may also need to open access to port 443 on the VPS. How you do that depends on the VPS service, check their documentation.
Hi, whenever I try to enter the ports 80 and 443 at the beginning of the -R parameter, I get this error:
Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 80
. How do I fix this?Ah yes. Ports below 1024 are normally privileged and only superuser can use them (and the account you’re using to ssh in is not and should not be root).
This link has several possible solutions: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/10735/allowing-a-regular-user-to-listen-to-a-port-below-1024