This was originally going to be posted on Fuck AI, but it really applies to technology far more generally.

    6 months ago

    I’ll reply to myself to avoid editing the above.

    I got another example that shows consistent lack of intelligence across multiple LLM bots:

    The prompt in all three cases was the same, “List me fruits with a green flesh and a red skin.” Transcription of the outputs:

    ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo, used through DDG

    One fruit that fits your description is a watermelon. Watermelons have green flesh and a red skin.


    There aren’t many common fruits with green flesh and red skin. The most likely candidate is a variety of guava called the Caribbean guava. This tropical fruit has a bumpy, light green skin and a vibrant pink or even reddish flesh inside. It has a sweet and tangy flavor, sometimes described as a mix between strawberry and pear. You can eat the skin or just the flesh.

    [Picture of a few guavas, some of them cut in quarters and halves]

    Claude 1.2, used through DDG

    Here are some common fruits with green flesh and red skin:

    • Red delicious apples - These very popular apples have bright red skin and greenish-white flesh.
    • Granny Smith apples - Another widely available variety, Granny Smith apples have hard, tart green flesh under their green skin.
    • Cherimoya - Also called custard apple, the cherimoya has smooth creamy green flesh inside its scaly reddish-brown skin.
    • Pomegranate - The outer skin of a pomegranate is reddish-brown, and it contains many arils (seeds) surrounded by sweet, tangy, green flesh.
    • Red grapes - While most grapes have green or purple flesh, some varieties like Flame grapes have flesh that is distinctly green underneath red or pink skin.
    • Red plums - Many plum varieties for eating fresh or cooking have red skin covering green flesh, such as Santa Rosa plums.
    • Red guava - The common tropical fruit guava comes in varieties with red skin and green or white flesh inside.
    • Red kiwifruit - Like the more familiar green kiwifruit, the red variety has a fuzzy brown skin but contains bright green flesh inside.

    All replies contain at the very least one fruit with the opposite attributes than the ones requested by the prompt. That shows that LLMs are not able to assign attributes to concepts; thus they are not able to handle Language, even being made specifically to handle linguistic utterances. They are not intelligent dammit, calling this shit “artificial intelligence” is at the very least disingenuous.

    [rant] …but apparently, accordingly to tech bros, I’m supposed to act like braindead/gullible trash and “believe” in their intelligence, based on cherry picked examples that “curiously” never address how much hallucinations like the above show the inner works of those systems. [/rant]