84.5% of the Parisians riding around on unicycles
Technically I suppose walking is a zero wheel vehicle and public transport has less than one wheel per passenger too.
After my visit to Paris, I’d say the remaining are riding other Parisian’s faces. What a beautifully free people.
This would be a dream here in NYC. Our car drivers are absolutely batshit insane (so are the cyclists but not nearly as much as cars)
You have to be insane to do either in New York.
interior of Paris, accounting for 11.2% of trips compared to 4.3%. A similar trend is seen in trips between the suburbs and the city center: 14% are made by bicycle and 11.8% by car.
Travel on foot, however, continues to lead mobility within the municipality with 53%, followed by those made on public transit, with 30%. The study was carried out with 3,337 residents of the capital region who agreed to be fitted with a GPS tracker.
Remember those yellow vest protests over the price of gas?
Yellow vest was a very non parisian protest. Some gathered in Paris because unfortunately if it’s not in Paris, media doesn’t care as much but most of the protesters were not from Paris.