I feel like my house is constantly a fucking mess. My wife and I work 80 hours between us and we have a 2 year old and I feel like it’s constantly a mess.
We do what we can and often spend a couple hours on a weekend tidying but it’s a losing battle.
How do you cope/keep on top of things?
I hire one too, and the evening before cleaning day is characterized by panicked tidying up and putting stuff away, because anything left lying around is put away by the cleaning lady, mostly in random locations, therefore being lost for months at a time
To me this sounds more stressful. Is that routine not stressful? I mean no judgment, I’m honestly curious.
Personally I hate it, but my partner gets super stressed by cleaning so I cope.
Well that’s good of you. I’m stressed by cleaning but much more stressed by mess so it’s a balance.