Hey Mateys, I have project at my university regarding business proposals, and I have an idea of Free knowledge at your hand that is free books and scientific research papers at no cost. Now, how to tackle the copyright issue and propose my idea?
I kindly request your assistance. New proposals, improvements, and suggestions are welcome.
Not sure this is the right place to ask, not dealing with copyright issues is kind of our thing here.
Not dealing with **the effects of **copyright is the thing here.
And in that sense he can gain some insights ;)
If I had to implement this business model, I would go to a country that don’t give a f* about dcma & stuff, and implement it in a similar way as Mega did.
With just the adjunction that if you upload a new book, you get free subscription for one week/month/year (depending if you share a small article, or the whole Encyclopedia Universalis)