I took some photos at an event and I need to go through them and get rid of the bad ones (eyes closed, things in the shot, out of focus, blurred etc.) I’m not a pro photographer so no idea where to begin with photo apps. I’ve used RawTherapee and Gimp a bit.
What app will let me quickly browse the photos and handle (delete/tag) photo formats together (both the RAW and the JPG)?
also RawTherapee
I haven’t used it in a while. Rawtherapee’s editor is awesome but I don’t remember an image overview. Thx for the reminder!
It has a File Browser tab on the left that lets you view thumbnails of all the images in a folder. From there you can select multiple images to do batch operations on, or pick a single image to open in the editor. Not sure if that’s what you mean.
In darktable and digikam you can view images like in a folder with huge previews. You can select them, rate them and work on them.