I would readily concede that the art is simpler now (and Fritzi isn’t exactly the same “hot tomato” she once was depicted as), but I would also say the specific strip I posted isn’t representative of the art in the modern strip. Usually characters are facing the viewer, and there’s a bit more variety in panel construction. And I can’t speak for Bushmiller, but from what I’ve heard about the fella he loved a good gag and ahem cashing checks – so I’d like to think even if he didn’t think its modern form was funny, he’d be pleased that Nancy was still a going concern. But that’s just my two cents as a fan; I’m neither a historian or psychic.
Random Nancy comic from 1963: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/FPIAAOSwq5ZkIIrb/s-l1200.webp
Im not sure I see a real difference between them?
Aunt Fritzi was better-drawn, the heads were at different angles, this just feels a lot lazier to me.
I would readily concede that the art is simpler now (and Fritzi isn’t exactly the same “hot tomato” she once was depicted as), but I would also say the specific strip I posted isn’t representative of the art in the modern strip. Usually characters are facing the viewer, and there’s a bit more variety in panel construction. And I can’t speak for Bushmiller, but from what I’ve heard about the fella he loved a good gag and ahem cashing checks – so I’d like to think even if he didn’t think its modern form was funny, he’d be pleased that Nancy was still a going concern. But that’s just my two cents as a fan; I’m neither a historian or psychic.
Boy, you are a big ball of negativity today.
*Gestures vaguely at everything.*
Dude, you’re getting all pissed off about comics
I’m not sure why you think demonstrating what I was talking about is me being pissed off, but I guess if that’s what you want to think, go for it.
OK, then “being very negative”, which you blamed on “everything”, I guess.
Might be time to take a break for a while.