All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.

  • 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍
    3 months ago

    I’m sorry if I’m repeating some other response; often my Lemmy client can’t load sub comments, and I see you already have 6.

    I think we’re voting for Kamala. She’s not running because she can’t win, not against Trump, and probably not against anyone else. She’s even more unpopular than Biden, and the Right would have a field day if she were the front runner.

    But, frankly, side by side, Trump looks more healthy and robust than Biden, and it’s saying something. If Biden is elected, Kamala will be president before the end of his term.

    I don’t know if that’s terrible; I don’t particularly care for her, but she’s better than Trump, and is on the right side of most of the issues I care about. Also, if she did a decent job and had some luck, she’d be able to run again for a second term, and we could get an unusual streak of three liberal(ish) terms.

    As for Biden, a president’s staff does most of the real work of any president; I think of a president more like the captain of a large ship: they take a lot of input from the crew, and make decisions. They don’t gather the information or touch the controls; as long as they have a competent team, I suspect nearly anyone could functionally be president. As long as he’s mentally capable of processing the information he’s given and making rational decisions, he can do his job. I’m just no longer convinced he’s going to be capable of that for a full term, and the way he’s looking, I wouldn’t be surprised if he physically failed in the next 4 years.

    So: President Harris. I just hope they’re putting effort into making sure she can step into the shoes quickly. If Biden can even win this election.

    Biden, though. Dude’s looking like Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China.

      3 months ago

      This has been my thought for a long time. You’re basically setting the stage for President Harris. If Biden survive 2 years and 1 day, we can get 10 years of Kamala.

        3 months ago

        Why would we even want that, though? Harris is a cop, and her presidency would likely be just as impotent and mediocre as Biden’s. Like Biden, she’s going to bend to corporate interests, please no one in the interest of pleasing everyone, not make or advocate for any major protective reforms to the democratic process (ranked choice voting, etc.), and try to take the high road against directly calling out fascism. When will the DNC get it through their heads that their departmental politics and seniority process shouldn’t decide the president-- the people should?

        Also, I find it immoral of them to play a horrible game of “switcheroo” with Harris and Biden. It feels like what you’re saying is, they know she’s unpopular and would lose an election, but if we switch her in for Biden through this presidency then everyone will see how great she is! We don’t need an election, we just need the great and powerful DNC to plan our presidents for us!!!

        To clarify in case it isn’t obvious, I am a trans, disabled leftist. But this is EXACTLY why Trump is so popular and why everyone hates the DNC.

          3 months ago

          You’re allowed to be president two times, this is a constitutional amendment. But for it to count as one time, you have to be president for some fraction longer than 50% of a four year term, i.e. 2 years plus 1 day. So if Biden can survive that long then die, Kamala would be president but it wouldn’t count as a term. She could then run for office twice more.

          • Thank you! So, in that situation, instead of 3 consecutive terms, we could see 4.

            Assuming she’s successful, becomes far more popular, and there are no major crises that work against her.

            The most reliable way to get re-elected is to be president when a war starts. Like how Bush Jr engineered 9/11 so he could ensure re-election(*). But it tensions escalated with Russia and we got involved, that’d do it.

            (*) Yeah, no. I don’t really believe that. It’s just a joke.

      3 months ago

      This is just as relevant for Trump. His running mate matters. Neither of them are statistically likely to survive a second term in office. One of them is a little bit older and appears to be more frail. The other one has a terrible diet with no exercise and could keel over from a heart attack or a stroke at any moment.

      We should be talking about the VP picks much more than anyone is.

      • Yah, absolutely. I’m frankly a little surprised Trump is still alive.

        We know who Biden’s running mate is going to be, unless there’s a surprise upset. Trump’s is still up in the air and the weasels are currently fighting for it.