I am trying out Godot and I’ve noticed that when I export the game to linux, the result has a much longer boot time
I’m talking about an 80mb executable for a 3d game and the difference between windows and linux is 0.x seconds vs 10 seconds (the windows computer is more powerful but not by that much…)
I wouldn’t care much about that, but during that load time the scene’s ready() is triggered and music is played. This causes the cutscene to be desynced with the music and is quite jarring.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Version is 4.1.1 btw
EDIT: after some trial and error I’ve finallly found the issue. Surprisingly the cause of it was the world environment, more specifically the sky settings, which I had set to high. Bumping them down pretty much fixed the issue.
It’s probably a bug, but hey, it works now 🤷
Well I have something like:
func _ready(): $AnimationPlayer.queue("1-1-1") $AnimationPlayer.queue("1-1-2") func _on_animation_player_animation_started(anim_name): if (anim_name == "1-1-1"): $Audio/ReadySetGo.play() pass
I don’t know what else could be done
You don’t have Autoplay checked for the AudioStreamPlayer[2D|3D] node, do you? (Sorry for the obvious question, but we out here on the net never know.)
No, autoplay is off