All the old Soviet blocks have individual ownership of each apartment in it, and the buildings are maintained by groups of people who own the apartments in that building (I forgot the word, not a native English speaker, sorry. But basically like a union out of each owner in the building, there’s monthly meetings to decide stuff etc).
The word you’re looking for is probably “cooperative”
The concepts don’t translate neatly. Generally I don’t think most Europeans have different words for condominiums and apartments. And in my experience detached homes rarely belong to HOAs.
Nope a cooperative would own the entire apartment building and the residents own shares in the cooperative. What Lost is describing is a homeowner association. There the individual apartments are directly owned by the residents.
The word you’re looking for is probably “cooperative”
HOA would be the American term.
I thought it would be a condo (condominium) board or association, since they’re ‘apartments’ not detached single family homes.
The concepts don’t translate neatly. Generally I don’t think most Europeans have different words for condominiums and apartments. And in my experience detached homes rarely belong to HOAs.
Nope a cooperative would own the entire apartment building and the residents own shares in the cooperative. What Lost is describing is a homeowner association. There the individual apartments are directly owned by the residents.