A well balanced review I enjoyed reading!

  • Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’ve been away from the building/upgrading scene for a few years and am still using a GTX 1060 12gb. I’ve been considering upgrading to a 3060, but unfortunately my wife isn’t on board with that purchase, as we’re supposed to be prioritizing our downpayment on a house. Boo, Wendy… This has at least given me time to to step back a little and evaluate whether or not the 3060 is even what I need at the moment. Maybe there are equally decent options for a better value. I want to be able to run RDR2 on high settings, and want to be set to go when STALKER 2 eventually drops. Is there a better Radeon card out there for my needs, vs. the GTX 3060?