One that comes to mind for me: “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is not always true. Maybe even only half the time! Are there any phrases you tend to hear and shake your head at?

          28 days ago

          The basic law of Cologne:

          §1: Et es wie et es. („It is how it is.“) Look the facts in the eye, you can’t change them.

          $2: Et kütt wie et kütt. („It’ll come as it comes.“) Accept the inevitable, you can’t change fate.

          §3: Et hätt noch emmer joot jejange. („Everything turned out fine in the past.“) What turned out okay yesterday, will still work tomorrow. Situationally: We know it’s shit, but it’s the best we can do with what we have.

          §4: Wat fott es, es fott. („What’s gone is gone.“) Don’t cling to the past.

          §5: Et bliev nix wie et wor. („Nothing ever stays the same.“) Be open to new developments.