• SwiggitySwole
    529 months ago

    This is anecdotal but pretty much all of the lactose intolerant people I know love dairy more than the lactose tolerant people. Something as small as your body not processing milk isn’t enough to stop them

    • TimeSquirrel
      329 months ago

      Plant: I’m going to evolve a noxious chemical that feels like pure fire on a mammal’s taste buds to protect my seeds from them.


      • @uid0gid0@lemmy.world
        209 months ago

        Humans: Let’s breed all these pants together to maximize production of the chemical, invent a rating system to determine which ones have the most, then hold competitions to see who can tolerate the highest levels.

      • dumdum666
        69 months ago

        Yeah… but my wife hates it when I consume cheese… even though they claim it’s lactose free…

    • @Knusper@feddit.de
      69 months ago

      Completely spitballing here based on your anecdotal observation, but I know that with lactose-intolerance, you’re lacking lactase for processing the lactose, so the lactose makes it unprocessed into the gut, where the gut microbiota then process the lactose and cause the usual symptomes.

      Well, and those gut microbiota can signal to your brain that they want more of a given food (source).
      So, maybe those bacteria in your gut fucking love lactose, because it is basically sugar, and so they instruct you to self-destruct.

    • IninewCrow
      219 months ago

      North American Indigenous person here sensually holding onto the shoulder of the Asian.

    • @deegeese@sopuli.xyz
      119 months ago

      The entire .zip TLD is blocked as a security risk.

      Maybe don’t use a domain that looks like a virus payload.

      • balderdashOP
        79 months ago

        Maybe I’m not technically literate enough to get what you’re saying, but these are jpg images

        • @deegeese@sopuli.xyz
          69 months ago

          That website domain ends in .zip

          The .zip domain is blocked for me because it looks like a virus/malware site.

          Nobody legit should be using a .zip website.

        • @T4V0@lemmy.pt
          39 months ago

          He’s talking about your instance’s Top Level Domain (TLD). Mine is .pt and yours is .zip.

  • @AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space
    289 months ago

    They had a gourmet cheese tasting in a luxury hotel in Beijing some years ago; it was treated with the same kind of combination of curiosity, wonder and mild horror that the west would regard, say, fermented shark or sheep’s eyeballs with.

    • CaptainBlagbird
      29 months ago

      Now that’s an analogy I can understand.

      I say, let’s top these things with melted cheese, so that all people face the buffet with the same feelings. 🤤🤨🤤🤨🤤🤨

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I don’t get the lactose intolerance thing. I’m Chinese and I have no problem with dairy, milk is common at supermarkets across East Asia. Korean and Japanese people love slathering cheese on things. Coffee with milk is really common in China.

    I look at stats like how we are supposed to be 98% lactose intolerant and think I’m being gaslit one way or another. At this point I know more lactose intolerant white people than Asian people.

    • balderdashOP
      9 months ago

      Well lactose intolerant doesn’t mean you can’t have any dairy at all. I think it means you have to manage your lactose intake. They can still have it in moderation (maybe not everyone, but in a lot of cases)

      I’m not east asian myself so I can’t speak from personal experience, but I was listening to this english scholar explain different regions of chinese cuisine and her take is that milk is becoming more popular but cheese is still very niche. Here’s the conversation for anyone who may be interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onWbXaRFge0 .

      • HubertManne
        29 months ago

        My wife is like this. She can’t have a lot of dairy but she handles cultured dairy better. So yogurt she can eat a lot of and can have cheese on stuff as she pleases but only a spalsh of real milk or cream. Can’t handle a glass by itself or a bowl of milk.

      • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
        -59 months ago

        There’s no such thing as “lactose intolerance”. Adult humans just don’t need milk for anything.


    • @mcmoor
      39 months ago

      It’s just far less severe than something like gluten or nut allergy. Most people just will fart more or go to the bathroom more than usual and they won’t even connect that to the fact that they just consumed milk. Source: I am Asian.

    • @Murais@lemmy.one
      19 months ago

      I live in Taiwan.

      Can confirm that plenty of shit is slathered in cheese and/or mayo, milk is readily available at any store, there’s an absurd amount of Häagen-Dazs, and milk tea is the most commonly purchased beverage in the whole country.

      Butter can be a bit scarce, though, strangely.

  • @Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
    79 months ago

    As a Western European, I can verify this. I will fight you for cheese. Doesn’t matter if it’s blue stilton, sharp cheddar, chevre, feta, or maasdam. Cheese is life.

    • @threeduck@aussie.zone
      -189 months ago

      I exclusively drink dog milk, it’s actually sweeter than dairy.

      It’s a bit sad when you have to keep immediately taking the puppies away from the female dogs and they sniff around and search for them for months and months, howling and barking.

      But it’s a whole lot cuter than cows when you kill the male dogs (because they don’t produce milk), it’s cute seeing them wag their little tails right before the bolt to the brain!

      Plus dog milk is better for the environment! Not as good as plant milk, but the idea of consuming plants is “ick”.

      • Dude, piss off. Ya aint gonna convince anyone. All youre doing is being an annoying cunt online, all youre doing is showing once again why lots of people dislike vegans.

        Your argumants are shallow and whomst their for is made of straw.

        • HubertManne
          39 months ago

          Plus what he is talking about applies to basically factory farming. Same thing with chicken eggs. In a small farm setup they mostly live out their productive lives. Granted when unproductive they tend to lose their life although I suppose some softies will hang onto them as sorta pets.

          • @threeduck@aussie.zone
            09 months ago

            I like the idea that we can end life as soon as it’s deemed “unproductive”. You’d hope an alien life form that finds us is more empathetic than that wouldn’t you.

            • HubertManne
              09 months ago

              Not necessarily. I want the right to die as a human. I would rather die like my dogs than my parents.

              • @threeduck@aussie.zone
                09 months ago

                I… don’t understand your point, are you being purposefully vague? How did you parents die that wasn’t preferable to your dogs?

                In the case of this argument, if an alien species did land on earth and treat us like cattle for food (based on our own subjugation of “lesser species”), are you saying that’s fine because you “want the right to die”?

                I really really don’t get what you’re trying to say here.

                • HubertManne
                  19 months ago

                  Im saying the life of an animal that is kept through its productive years could be a lot worse. I have had to put down dogs because their quality of life was just to poor and you can’t do that with humans. Do the farm animals on a small farm that values their animals die sooner. Yeah. But its still a pretty decent life and longer than the wild would typically give them. If an alien species treated us like cattle they would have to be powerful enough to and if they were there is little we could do about it because after all we would do everything we can. Granted they would know we had reading, writing, and arithmetic and had developed chemistry, physcics, and had at this point started editing our genetic code. With the power they would presumably wield this would be something they would have to debate with themselves and only they could leave us free or not. I mean if we wanted we could have monkey farms or dolphin. Honestly the best arguments I have heard for those are from vegans who push that its all the same anyway so if your not going vegan you might as well eat meat every single meal.

        • Kaktus
          -19 months ago

          When the truth is unbearable, one either rages around like Rumpelstiltskin or starts to contemplate about it.

          So just keep having fun with disliking people.

          • Yknow I hate flat earthers, seventh day adventists, and law enforcement. My dislike of them is different for each group, I hate flat earthers cause theyre fucking stupid, I hate seventh day adventists cause theyre a cult whos been annoying my family for over a hundred years, and I hate law enforcement cause theyre generally corrupt and/or thugs.

            Hatred, rage, and dislike rarely indicates the rightness of ones point, if it did then I guess the Armenians think the young Turks were right in theit actions.

            But the thing is you aint worth actual hatred you simply annoyed me and as much as I dislike those that annoy me I enjoy arguing with em.

        • @threeduck@aussie.zone
          -19 months ago

          Ooh, which of my arguments are shallow? Go on hahaha there’s literally no defense against veganism beyond “I just don’t care about the destruction I leave in my wake”

          • Well ignoring your dumbass comment I responded to, simple a lot of livestock is less intensive to maintain than farmland and can even be better than not doing it. The city and county in my area rent cattle to keep brush down. The problem most vegans have with livestock raising or even fishing is endemic to all forms of agricultural practices. You know that almpnd milk ya drink, yeah its probably helping make water more scarce here in California. Meanwhile I can get milk from a dairy a bit away from my house where the cows eat brush and drink water from the ranches water collection system.

            The name of the game is harm reduction, while industrial farming generally sucks for the animals it is improving over time (at least here in California, fuck if I know what Utahs foing). Lots of Vegan shit is worse for the environment cause of water usage alone let alone shipping.

            Oh and also, lots of farms exploit labor and guess what it takes a lot more labor to raise fucking beans than it does cows, goats, or swine.

            Mind you I dont go out my way to eat needlessy wasteful animal products (lookin at you veel) because im not a complete asshole. I follow my ancestors philosophy, give it a long life good then slaughter it gets ya more and better quality meat.

            • @threeduck@aussie.zone
              09 months ago

              a lot of livestock is less intensive

              Haha it’s literally the opposite. Plant based agriculture grows 512% more pounds of food than animal-based agriculture, with 69% of the land. Animal agriculture uses more water, emits more greenhouse gas, uses more land, and produces less of the world’s nutritional needs. You may be referring to “regenerative farming” with animal excrement fertilising soil, but crop rotation and reduced over-tilling is equally efficacious.

              Almond milk uses more water

              Wrong again. It takes 628 litres of water to make a litre of bovine milk, 371 for almond milk, and 28 for soy (which is what I drink, for that very reason).

              It takes more labour to grow crops than animal farming

              I can’t find any source either way on that, pasture.io says crop farming requires less physical labour, but they don’t seem to cite anything. What I do know is that slaughterhouse workers have severely increased risk of mental health disorders directly resulting from their work.

              Follow my ancestors philosophy

              Ah, the Appeal To History Fallacy, my ancestors did ritual slaughter of virgins so it’s morally okay to continue doing so!

              To sum up, it really sounds like you haven’t done literally any research here. If the world swapped to veganism, global land use for agriculture would reduce by 75%. Food related emissions would reduce by 70% (that’s 15% of the ENTIRE world’s greenhouse gas emissions). And that doesn’t even mention animal welfare concerns.

              Feel free to reply - I have overwhelming scientific support. I remember when I wasn’t vegan, desperately searching for ANY studies that supported my desire to continue living a destructive, immoral lifestyle. In the end, I just listened to logic and reason and turned vegan.

              • Look the only reason I brought up my ancestors is that I was explaining my reasoning behind my actions. Admitedly I lean towards the abjectly most bloodthirsty and violent side of my ancesteral traditions, but it hasnt fucked me over yet.

                As for water use of cattle, while it is quite high that has far more to do with alfalfa than anything else. Yet again an issue of factory farming, that more free range aint got a problem with.

                Also I may have mistyped but I meant on the almonds to be in relation to local aquafure use and not in gross total.

                But frankly speaking, I dont give a fuck. If I had to choose between growing my own food or just killing someone and eating them im gonna go with option b.

                Regardless im autistic and most vegetables make me want to cut off my tongue due to their texture. There no way in hell id becoem vegan short of synthetic meats becoming cheap enough for my poor ass.

                • @threeduck@aussie.zone
                  29 months ago

                  I tend to be bloodthirsty and violent

                  No kidding. You aren’t refuting the Appeal To History Fallacy, you’re doubling down even. Cavemen used tribalistically murder and rape, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to do now. You’re smarter than that. You don’t need to do things because cavemen once did.

                  Alfafa is the culprit of high water use You originally said vegan diets are worse for water use. I refuted you. You’ve basically replied with “that’s because cattle eat food that use more water”. They still use more water. Every meat eater purports to buy their meat “from the farmer next door”. However pasture raised cattle require longer life spans before slaughter (18-30 months old instead of 13-15) due to a reduced energy-dense diet. The water reduction isn’t that much.

                  Local aquafure use is used more in almond production than beef

                  Forgetting that almonds (which I suggest people DONT eat) use 50% less water than cows, groundwater was the source of 62% of total livestock withdraws in the US. I agree that almonds are too water intensive, we should shift to soy which uses >20x less water.

                  I don’t give a fuck

                  Which is what I said at the beginning. The only valid argument against veganism is when someone says “I know a vegan diet is healthier, better for the planet and better for the animals, but I still choose to kill and eat animals”. There’s no arguing against someone who ignores reason to satisfy their tastebuds.

                  I’m autistic and don’t like veges

                  I’m sure if an autistic cannibal came along and said “I don’t like the texture of animals, I only eat human children and women” we wouldn’t accept that as an excuse.

  • @MonkderZweite@feddit.ch
    9 months ago

    Btw, there’s a batch of people on the westcoast of africa who developed lactose tolerance indepently. Seems it happens all the time, if a community relies heavily on livestock.