So, last night, my neutered, 5 year old boy cat just started howling and acting weird. I have 0 idea why. Other than, maybe he saw/smelled another cat last night that set him off? Idk. Has anyone else had this kind of a problem? Should I take him to a vet? He doesn’t seem to have a problem with me touching him anywhere but he’s definitely on edge and being weird/howling. He’s never done anything like this before. Thoughts?
Edit: I have taken him to a vet. We’ll see. Thanks everyone.
Edit 2: urinary blockage. Removing that and getting X-rays. Thanks everyone. Going to be an expensive visit I think.
Wow holy shit I’m glad you went to the vet, urinary blockages are a life or death emergency. I’m a senior veterinary student and your description just screames blockage, but I was worried I was late to comment since your post is already a day old!