Weve all spent three years faking being gay and trans for your amusement, yeah. We even went as far as to code in mandatory pronouns next to display names to own the libs. /s
Imagine being so conspiracy brained that you say such incredibly insulting nonsense.
“Faking lgbt support” we’re mostly lgbt.
Okay, and I’m still confused on where “faking LGBT support” implies anti-trans? You’re literally seeing things that aren’t there.
[press “x” to doubt]
Weve all spent three years faking being gay and trans for your amusement, yeah. We even went as far as to code in mandatory pronouns next to display names to own the libs. /s
Imagine being so conspiracy brained that you say such incredibly insulting nonsense.
A hexbear calling someone else conspiracy brained. Top humor.
Please, share what false conspiracies you think we believe, it ought to be funny.