Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda says AI recreations of her dad are ‘personally disturbing’::Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda says AI recreations of her dad are ‘personally disturbing’: ‘The worst bits of everything this industry is’

    1 year ago

    while being incredibly dismissive of their value.

    Values change. Images used to be difficult and time consuming to create, thus they had value. They are trivial to create now, so it becomes worthless. That’s progress. Yet instead of using that new superpower to create bigger projects and doing something still valuable with it, all the artists do is complain.

    You realize that even this had to be set up by human beings right?

    You obviously don’t realize that it didn’t. That’s prompts generated by AI put into another AI. There was no human telling it what to draw. The only instruction was to draw something original and than draw something different for the next image.

    When you say “AI will steamroll humans” you are assigning awareness and volition to it that it doesn’t have.

    I don’t do any of that, I just acknowledge their superior and constantly improving performance. The thing doesn’t need to be self aware to put all the artists, and the other humans, out of a job if it can work 1000x faster than them.

    Also AI will get awareness and volition real soon anyway, ETA for AGI is around 5 years, at the current pace I wouldn’t even be surprised if it arrives sooner. Human exceptionalism has the tendency to not age very well these days.

    They simply repeat patterns we fed into them

    They don’t. See, it would be way easier to lake you Luddites seriously if you at least had any clue what you were talking about. But the whole art world seem to be stuck playing make-believe, just repeating the same nonsense that they heard from other people talking about AI instead just trying it for themselves.

    Most of that AI stuff is publicly available, lots of it is free, and some can be run on your own PC. Just go and play with it to get a realistic idea of what it is and isn’t capable of. And most important of all: Think about the future. People always talk like issues with current AI systems are some fundamental limit of AI, when in reality most of those problems will be gone within six months.

    Also it’s just bind boggling how people ignore everything AI can do, just to focus on some minuscule detail it still gets wrong. The fact that it can’t draw hands is not terribly surprising (hard structure to figure out from low res 2D images), meanwhile the fact that it can draw basically everything else, way faster and often better than almost any human, is rather mind boggling, yet somehow ignored.

    AI-powered corporate industries, owned by flesh and blood people

    CEOs are target for AI replacement just like everybody else. And AI that pays its own bills and runs on some rented cloud computing won’t be far off either. Either way, you don’t even have to go into doomsday scenarios with evil AI, the fact that AI will outcompete humans at most tasks alone ist enough to drastically reshape the world. If it’s ethically trained Open Source AI or some cooperate run thing really doesn’t matter, since either way, the changes will be huge.

    If you think that will get to just enjoy a Holodeck you are either very wealthy or you don’t realize that it’s not just artists who are at risk.

    Well, we are already way closer to that spooky scifi future than you’d think.