Exec tells first UN council meeting that big tech can’t be trusted to guarantee AI safety::An artificial intelligence company executive told the first U.N. Security Council meeting on AI’s threats to global peace that the handful of big tech companies leading the race to commercialize AI can’t be trusted to guarantee the safety of systems we don’t yet understand and that are prone to “cha

  • NateNate60@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This has been the case for every new technology invented since before the Industrial Revolution.

    • Cotton gin: further proliferation of chattel slavery in the American south
    • Steam engine: coal barons using child labour and Pinkertons to extract basically forced labour
    • Oil: oil companies purchasing legislatures with bulk discount, climate change
    • Sewing machine: sweatshops
    • Airships: lax safety standards, giant inflammable hydrogen ballons
    • Electricity: 5,000 cables haphazardly strung on every lightpole in the city
    • Telephone: monopolies charging ten zillion dollars for a long-distance call, eavesdropping, &c.
    • Computer: mass surveillance
    • Internet: spam emails
    • Web 2.0: corporate surveillance for advertising purposes
    • Web 3.0: NFT scams
    • AI: deepfake porn, rubbish AI “books” flooding Amazon

    • Paper: tax documents