I do find it interesting that the artist redraws everything each time. Maybe they trace over the previous frames, I can’t tell that, but definitely not copy+paste.
The last 3 panels do use copy paste.
- her ears are different shapes.
- shadow around the dress
- scuffs (lines below handle?)on the door
- shadow below door
- scuffs on the ceiling
- how the 3 wall/ceiling lines intersect are all different
- thickness of the door frame
I can only assume your just baiting people, which is hilarious to watch, and participate in. This is the easiest game of “Spot the Difference” I’ve ever played.
Edit; Because I’m board, This image has panel 5 overplayed panel 6, at 50% opacity. I used the bottom left boarder to line the up.
The doors are very similar, but minor differences are all over the panels.
And in the interest of completion, Here it is using the top right boarder to line the panels up
No they don’t…
Some of the details are adjusted/redone but the positioning of the door, corner, and person are identical.
No they aren’t…
Cross or uncross your eyes to line up one image in your left eye with the other image in your right. There’s nothing wrong with it but those are based on the same copies.
Maybe they trace over the previous frames
Big if true
I think you’re on to something…
The other end comics are crazy❤️
Just found the website. 497 comics in the archive. I’m in for a fun journey man!
It’s clearly named “THEOTHERE NDCOMICS”, and not what you said.
So that’s how the spiders keep getting in my apartment.
Good bear!
Free spiderbro. How generous!