• Snowclone@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I call it Cadillac Advice. I was telling someone I was looking for a used car when I was like 17, and had a part time job, clearly still a kid. And they told me they had heard this and gave me the valuable advice of how to find a Cadillac dealership. I didn’t even know how stupid this advice was as a kid. I was just confused. Like ‘I guess this guy’s so dumb he dosen’t know what a used junker car is. Weird’’ anyway, I bought a Pontiac T-1000. Which you’ve never heard of or seen because that were all recalled a few months? Years? After they were originally oftered to the public. An old guy I didn’t know had one in his garage somehow, totally forgot about it for a few decades, then died. His wife wanted me to clean out the garage for a few bucks. I took the car as payment. Believe me, she made out like a bandit. That car nearly killed me a good few times. And the $50-$75 dollars I used to fix it up was a total loss.