This/I do not feel fine, but at least there’s troll coping to fill the void.

Edit: after venting to a friend about this during an anxiety attack, she gave me contact information to an office that was able to schedule me for next month. I feel very fortunate and relieved. I’m also extremely appreciative of not just her, but all of you! This is a wonderfully supportive community, you’re all amazing people

    27 days ago

    When I signed up with my psychiatrist the wait was 72 weeks.

    I just looked it up, and the same psychiatrist now has a wait of 304 weeks! If I limit my search to psychiatrists within 50km, as the crow flies, basically about an hours drive, I have 6 psychiatrists "available. Their self reported wait periods ranges from 159 to 700 weeks. 700 fucking weeks! The 700 weeks is probably a case of “sorry, you’ll have to wait 14 years, because I’m not allowed to take in more patients, or pay for the eval yourself”, but the average for the 5 fastest is still 226 weeks.

    I don’t know where you’re at, but my username gives me away - I just don’t want to fuel the American “socialized health care is ineffective” bonfire by making it too obvious.