“Business as usual” ist vorbei. “Politik wie immer” ist vorbei. Wir müssen uns bemühen, Systeme aufzubauen, die uns helfen, das zu überleben, was Gier, Macht und vorsätzliche Blindheit angerichtet haben.
“Business as usual” ist vorbei. “Politik wie immer” ist vorbei. Wir müssen uns bemühen, Systeme aufzubauen, die uns helfen, das zu überleben, was Gier, Macht und vorsätzliche Blindheit angerichtet haben.
Yeah, but those don’t add up. With a standard deviation of 6.4 we’re looking at a probability in the order of magnitute of 1:10 million. That’s very far off from 1 in 13 billion.
could you givea source for that please? i couldn’t find a table for the standard normaldistribution that extended further than 4
Here. Gotta 1/x it tho.
I referenced another article with a general probability caluation for the sigma value (would be around 1:3.5 million at sigma 5). And some other sources, like this tweet. Also I remember another article putting at 1:10 million, but I can’t find it right now.
Not the best sources, but that’s how I arrivied at that.