Double majored in business/accounting and psychology. Went into financial auditing (not my passion but paid well). Hated my life for 12 years. Decided to go for a graduate degree in social work. Am now a very happy psychotherapist even though I make less money.
Moral of the story? It’s never too late to switch if you end up hating your original choice.
I have a coworker who went back in his 40s and is changing careers (from tech lead to management). And another who is nearing 50s who just wanted that piece of paper. (IT guy who wanted a fine arts degree)
I went from a prestigious role in tech to a much lower-rung one that isn’t so demanding. I’d rather have a pleasant life than a large paycheck. Went from miserable to very happy.
Double majored in business/accounting and psychology. Went into financial auditing (not my passion but paid well). Hated my life for 12 years. Decided to go for a graduate degree in social work. Am now a very happy psychotherapist even though I make less money.
Moral of the story? It’s never too late to switch if you end up hating your original choice.
I went back to school in my early 30s.
I have a coworker who went back in his 40s and is changing careers (from tech lead to management). And another who is nearing 50s who just wanted that piece of paper. (IT guy who wanted a fine arts degree)
I went from a prestigious role in tech to a much lower-rung one that isn’t so demanding. I’d rather have a pleasant life than a large paycheck. Went from miserable to very happy.