I grew up listening to fundie christian parents babble at length how we were living in end times. And mocking them mercilessly (at first among my fiends, later to their faces) as often as possible.
Now look at us - on the brink of non-existence politically, environmentally, and civilizationally. Not sure that last one is a word.
If they were right I’m gonna have some 'splainin to do.
If we’re walking into oblivion it’s because the christofascists are leading us there. It will be their self fulfilling prophecy.
I hope the rapture comes and takes all the good people to heaven so us evil doers can live out or lives not knowing the grace of God!
If that happens imma stay up late and eat cookies
There is nothing in the IPCC reports that even come close to civilization-ending predictions from climate change.
First IPCC is a political process with high input from climate terrorists.
You are right that the requirement for ending civilization requires over 95% population decline. Civilization existed in bronze age. Global warming is unlikely to be a near extinction event, as technology to survive, especially for a small population, should keep up.
What should be clear though is mass loss of prosperity and life is a cycle to lose more prosperity.
The political craziness is a direct symptom of knowing country/planet is unsustainable. Full desperation to believe anyone that tells you pillaging the world for oligarchy is bestest future somehow.
Just sayin. These fools are walking right into it.
There’s a conspiracy talk in local mid-eastern/muslim bubbles that Evangelicals seizing every opportunity to team up with Zionists to bring the Rapture as soon as possible.
The talk’s been around since Ottoman times so it’s easy to dismiss, but given between apathy to Israel state’s genocide and Trump’s fast start to his secondary term gives me chills no lie.
No we’re definitely all gonna die real soon
Btw, what made you think we weren’t living in the end times?
Edit: Ok i might have to do some explaining.
The way i understand it, we’re living in exactly the time period (1800 - 2050?) where people basically figure out all about technology. That puts us in the very special position that we can choose what the future looks like. Such a situation has never been there before. In some sense, god lives on the inside; it’s us who will permanently transform the world into its final state. That is the “second coming” and “end times”.
Don’t confuse coincidence for causation. For hundreds of years, people have been harping about the " end times." No 'splaining needed friend.
Self fulfilling prophecy. It’s a doomsday cult and they’re trying to bring the end times instead of waiting
When they said we’re living in the end times it wasn’t a prediction it was a threat
Personally, if I die only to find out that the Tyrant is real, I’ll gladly walk into hell before I kneel my way into heaven. Fuck their narcissistic, cruel, inhuman monster of a god.
I would expect in that case “hell” is just a lie anyway, like an abuser telling you you can’t live without them. It’s classic controlling behaviour.
Realising that helped me walk away from the whole thing: Why are we told hell exists if it isn’t real? Control.
It’s more that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“The world will hate you,” so you’re antisocial and hateful in preparation. They do hate me! It’s all true!
“There will be wars and rumors of wars,” so you vote for the defense hawks supporting the military complex. So many wars! It’s all true!
“They won’t even tolerate your views, they’ll try to outlaw it!” So you try to ban them first. It’s all true!
Why protect the temporary environment when you have eternal paradise waiting? Why do ANYTHING meaningful here when you have eternal paradise waiting.
tl;dr: Death cult. Projection.
If you spend your life wanting to see the end, eventually you will.
Not only that, but these bad things HAVE TO HAPPEN before the good things can come to pass. That’s the order of operations. Which leads to seeing the bad things and thinking, “YES!!! It’s haaaappeniiiiing!!!”
You literally welcome disaster, because it proves you right, rather than working to prevent it.
If you predict it’s the end times every day for a thousand years, eventually you’ll get it right.
If you have the time, I highly recommend the book “American Apocalypse” by Matthew Avery Sutton. Really digs into the history of this whole thing and helps you realize just HOW MUCH of this shit is truly self fulfilling prophecy. I’m currently working up the courage to gift it to my highly evangelical family and forcing them to read it.