I’m adjusting pp_table settings to get most out of my GPU (RX 6800 XT) and it works but every time I restart PC the changes revert back to default. Any idea how I could make them persist?
For me pp_table is located in /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table
I have to use chmod to be able to make changes:
sudo chmod o+w /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table
Then I’m able to write in changes with upp:
upp -p /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table set --write smc_pptable/SocketPowerLimitAc/0=312 smc_pptable/SocketPowerLimitDc/0=293 smc_pptable/TdcLimit/0=300 smc_pptable/FreqTableSocclk/1=1350 smc_pptable/FreqTableFclk/1=2000 smc_pptable/FclkBoostFreq=2000
And just in case you’re wondering if the effort even makes sene, yes it does:
Max OC with LACT with max default limits (left) vs max OC with edited pp_table (right) in the picture.
Use triple backticks for blocks of code-type stuff
example, wrapped in a spoiler tag.
upp -p /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table dump header: structuresize: 2470 format_revision: 15 content_revision: 0 table_revision: 2 table_size: 802 golden_pp_id: 2466 golden_revision: 16307 format_id: 128 platform_caps: 24 thermal_controller_type: 28 small_power_limit1: 0 small_power_limit2: 0 boost_power_limit: 0 software_shutdown_temp: 118 reserve: reserve 0: 0 reserve 1: 0 reserve 2: 0 reserve 3: 0 reserve 4: 0 reserve 5: 0 reserve 6: 1 reserve 7: 0 power_saving_clock: revision: 1 reserve: ... and so on ...