function getMonthName(monthNumber) {
const date = new Date();
date.setMonth(monthNumber - 1);
return date.toLocaleString([], { month: 'long' });
function getMonthName(monthNumber) {
const date = new Date();
date.setMonth(monthNumber - 1);
return date.toLocaleString([], { month: 'long' });
The problem would be the same if you were just doing an offset from the current month. You’re now nitpicking the example while ignoring the point being made. Perhaps this version will help clarify the problem for you better:
function getLastMonthName() { const date = new Date(); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1); return date.toLocaleString([], { month: 'long' }); }
I’ll repeat this again, the failure case is not obvious and you can easily miss the test for it. Throwing an error makes it much easier to identify that there is a problem, and that’s why APIs in sane languages such as Java behave this way.
Nobody is changing the story over time, you’re just incapable of acknowledging being wrong.
Which is precisely why I posted this on Programmer Humor. Js is a garbage language, and it’s obviously beyond fixing, but I can laugh at it.