Fired or resigned, extremely incomplete list:

  • Nick Calandra - Editor-in-Chief
  • Yahtzee Croshaw - Zero Punctuation, Adventure is Nigh, Extra Punctuation
  • Jack Packard - Adventure is Nigh
  • Amy Campbell - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
  • KC Nwosu - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
  • Jesse Galena - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
  • Sebastian Ruiz - Cold Take, Stuff of Legend
  • JM8 - Editor, Design Delve
  • Darren Moody - Columnist
  • Marty Sliva - 3 Minute Review

IP of Zero Punctuation belongs to Escapist, so that is dead as of now.

    11 months ago

    Gonna be honest, since it seemed like Yahtzee was the only one who pulled in views I kind of always assumed he was like the channel owner? You know “Yahtzee’s shenanigans and he funds his friends trying to do stuff hoping something will stick”

    But I’m just a super casual but long term watcher. I watch every zero punctuation, and like… yeah that’s it. Been doing that for a decade.

    Wild they managed to piss off the reason people care about them.