I grew up putting dirty dishes in the sink. They were piled up there until someone either loaded them to the dishwasher or did them by hand. This continued in to my adulthood until I moved outside the US, and it’s like something shifted. We just rinse and load the dishwasher and run it overnight. Now keeping them out in the sink seems gross to me, but I never thought about it before. Same with shoes in the house. Or using a shoehorn.
a kitchen sink is not a storage place. wd-40 is not a lubricant. sex is not a weapon.
You should extrapolate on these. especially the Kitchen sink one.
I grew up putting dirty dishes in the sink. They were piled up there until someone either loaded them to the dishwasher or did them by hand. This continued in to my adulthood until I moved outside the US, and it’s like something shifted. We just rinse and load the dishwasher and run it overnight. Now keeping them out in the sink seems gross to me, but I never thought about it before. Same with shoes in the house. Or using a shoehorn.