If you want a place where admins are not allowed to block communities and instead leave moderation of all but the most egregious, illegal content, up to individuals, there are places like that already in X and Threads.
This is the fediverse, where admins are expected to look after their members. If they don’t, the members will leave. I don’t want to block every toxic user or instance on my own - I already spend too much time blocking normies from lemmy.world.
If you want a place where admins are not allowed to block communities and instead leave moderation of all but the most egregious, illegal content, up to individuals, there are places like that already in X and Threads.
This is the fediverse, where admins are expected to look after their members. If they don’t, the members will leave. I don’t want to block every toxic user or instance on my own - I already spend too much time blocking normies from lemmy.world.