I’ve lived in Montreal for 22 years and I can comfortably say that Montreal is an amazing city. Probably one of the best in the world. But holy fuck does the province suck ass. 40%+ income tax, 15% sales tax, tax de bienvenu, tax over tax, etc. only to get treated like a second class citizen if I start a conversation with “Hi” instead of “Bonjour” with the wrong person.
The weather, the healthcare system and the infrastructure are by far the most miserable things about the city. The rest is fantastic. But those 3 together make it a rough pill to swallow sometimes.
(any politics aside) Consider learning even just some French to maximize your experience. IMO you’ll open yourself up to more experiences/interactions.
not me personally but i just got back from montreal, my friend moved there in may and she let me stay in a spare bedroom - she loves the city, says it’s way more affordable, easier to get around and safer (coming from downtown toronto)
its a beautiful city with lots to do and plenty of great neighborhoods to choose from, you won’t regret it
Moved here 10yrs ago from Toronto. No ragrets at all
Life is totally different here compared the to rat race in Toronto.
If you are young and single there are very few cities in the world better than Montreal.
I’m old and married and I’m still having fun.
Haha, I didn’t mean that in an exclusionary way. I was also married while living in MTL and if I had to choose a city again that would be the one.
I just spent 2 weeks in a Toronto suburb and all I can say is I’m going to be glad to be back in Montreal. Every city will have its suburban hellscapes and healthy vibrant walkable urban fabric, but Montreal has a LOT of it and have citizens and politicians who are actively supporting and protecting it.
It seems that Montreal is slightly behind the inflationary curve compared to other major Canadian cities, but not by much. Affordable housing is as huge an issue here as everywhere else, it seems.
Do yourself a favour and invest in French lessons if you aren’t fluent already. Otherwise you won’t be able to fully participate in life. The provincial government offers an (almost) free francisation course.