You can’t sell a hard dick pill and put the woman in the same small tub! Jesus, they would need to be in a pool alone, or in a hot tub with other people. Can you imagine the scandal of people understanding his dick is being used in a vagina!
Based on our dick pill commercials, you’d think they were anti depressants specifically for wealthy older men. Welcome to puritan America.
Except that in the actual commercial, they are in separate bathtubs lol.
You can’t sell a hard dick pill and put the woman in the same small tub! Jesus, they would need to be in a pool alone, or in a hot tub with other people. Can you imagine the scandal of people understanding his dick is being used in a vagina!
Based on our dick pill commercials, you’d think they were anti depressants specifically for wealthy older men. Welcome to puritan America.
It’s like 1950s television - they push the two tubs together to fuck.
Because jesus