Moonstone Bistro, a popular fine-dining restaurant in west Redding, has announced they will stop serving lunch, citing California’s increased minimum wage...
Imagine being such a dumbass that you can’t figure out how to make your business look superficially good and sell it to some schmuck or load it up with debt and bail. Employers have the game completely rigged in their favor, they just have to know how to play the game. It’s shocking that someone who decided living in Redding was a good idea would be so stupid.
Imagine being such a dumbass that you can’t figure out how to make your business look superficially good and sell it to some schmuck or load it up with debt and bail. Employers have the game completely rigged in their favor, they just have to know how to play the game. It’s shocking that someone who decided living in Redding was a good idea would be so stupid.