Hey all, this community has grown a lot lately, so moderating it has become quite time consuming. As I’m studying and also working a side job helping hands would be very welcome. I guess we should also have a discussion about Rules so that Mod Decisions aren’t looking arbitrary. So let’s have a discussion about the rules we want in this community, and if we are done with this, we will look for new Moderators. (Suggestions about a good process for this are also welcome)

With best regards


  • Parodper@foros.fediverso.gal
    1 year ago

    I support copying r/europe’s rules, maybe removing some disallowed submitions, like 1b, 1c, 4, 8b for Fediverse posts, 8c, 9 and 14 for european-related petitions. I also believe that the submission guidelines aren’t needed with the traffic level of this community.

    As for the process for new moderators, here’s a post from r/europe from when they did it. Also, I volunteer to be moderator.