As already said, this is about safety, and it’s not a geopolitical thing.
Space debris expert: Orbits will be lost—and people will die—later this decade – (2022)
Some of them are children
Thanks for this comment. I really didn’t think of this.
Seems to be aligned with the EU’s new policy to abandon Open Source Software.
Other news comes from a user on Wikimedia:
Couldn’t Wikimedia take the lead when it comes to social media decentralization
I just noticed that the Wikimedia Foundation profile on Mastodon is very inactive compared to X profile. Taking into account a recent example, where more than 20 million users had to flee from X due to its criminal practices, wouldn’t it make sense and be used as an opportunity to reach the audience that is migrating to the Fediverse?
The Wikimedia Foundation seems to be aligned with some core ideas related to decentralization (e.g. chapters and user groups), not to mention its long-standing voice in the open source world and against disinformation, which seems to be an important goal o X and its owner?
Wenn wir wissen wollen, ob Handynutzung in der Schule gut oder schlecht ist, dann sollten wir vielleicht einfach die im Silicon Valley fragen. Da kommt ein grosser Teil der Software ja her. Dazu eine Nachricht aus 2015, aber immer noch aktuell (und aufschlussreich?):
Tablets out, imagination in: the schools that shun technology - (2015)
Parents working in Silicon Valley are sending their children to a school where there’s not a computer in sight – and they’re not alone
Here we go: Empowering farmers in Central Europe: the case for agri-PV – (archived link)
I added the link also in the body.
That’s what I thought, too. Just shutting down won’t be enough, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. They should be regulated, and there must be a human being who can held accountable for what they do (very much as it is the case with ‘conventional’ media, and forcing them to make their code Open Source could be some measures).
We should definitely fight the root cause, but we should take away the gun of the shooter and rethink the gun policy, too.
Sure, the algorithms do their part. But here it doesn’t seem to be only explanation. The first study I posted above says, among others:
Throughout the “Others Searched For” data of party and candidate queries, we surprisingly found that many queries did not return any search suggestions. From 60 query terms, the search suggestions for 21 consistently returned no results, as seen in the Table below. This indicates that the platform intervened to specifically disable the search suggestion for these search terms, e.g., through a blocklist. The No Suggestions label was applied to queries “AfD”, “BSW”, “FDP” and “Christlich-Soziale Union” and various political candidates too. Across party affiliation, the AfD and the CSU seem to have the most no-result queries, closely followed by Die Grüne.
Emphasis mine, but it’s just one example. The whole study makes a good read.
This has long been known.
Auditing TikTok: Other search for … the opposition party (July 2024) ---- [Archived]
The AfD, Germany’s far-right party, was disproportionally mentioned in the search suggestions of other parties. We see this as a crucial ill-equilibrated misrepresentation of German parties and what they stand for. The AfD is likely the most active party on TikTok, which is a possible explanation of their overrepresentation. However, the disproportionate leveraging of its visibility within the search suggestion feature clearly perpetuates this imbalance. This is a distinct indication of TikTok prioritizing engagement and virality over quality, messaging, or proportional representation of political parties on their platform.
How the far-right used TikTok to spread lies and conspiracies in Central Eastern European countries (July 2024) ---- [Archived]
- Germany’s huge TikTok market is vulnerable to extremists’ tactics, which have gained major traction with young voters. Our cross-border investigation proved that you can easily buy virality on social networks.
- In Romania, reporters showed that the social network was a key platform for emerging far-right political figures.
- Similarly, in Poland, the TikTok champions of the European Parliament elections were the far-right, who are now heading to Brussels.
- In Slovakia, TikTok served as a fertile ground for conspiracies about the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico.
- Meanwhile, in the Czech Republic, reporters found that the platform’s algorithm was pushing users into a bubble of disinformation.
- Estonians were exposed to fear-mongering related to war that was propagated through TikTok.
- In Hungary, Russian narratives flow to TikTok via public media.
And these are just two investigations on the topic. There is much more. No politician can say they didn’t know it.
I don’t know the reason for the prompt in this particular case, of course, but there is a persistent form of racism in China, namely the prejudice that the Han Chinese are more advanced than other cultures inside and outside of China. Some experts say this view is even promoted by the government’s propaganda.
There is also a good video by a foreigner living in China (19 min): CHINA: RACISM: China’s Ugly, Disturbing yet Open Secret — (archived link).
Last year, Human Rights Watch urged the Chinese government to combat anti-black racism on Chinese social media.
[Edit typo.]
There is a good article by the China Media Project from April 2024 about the Chinese Communist Party’s AI policy:
Tracking Control: Bringing AI to the Party — [Archived link]
China’s release this week of new draft rules governing the generation of AI content, coming just months after the launch of ChatGPT, might give the impression leaders are scrambling to catch up. But for years now, the Chinese Communist Party has planned to power up AI innovations — even as it contains them.
Corrected. Sorry, and thanks
ICC’s Karim Khan announces arrest warrant application for Israeli and Hamas leaders
[Regarding Israel, the arrest warrants so far go against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.]
Jacobin, a left-leaning media outlet in the U.S., says about France:
Emmanuel Macron Is Refusing to Allow the Left to Govern — (Archived)
Emmanuel Macron has ruled out appointing a government led by the biggest force in parliament, the left-wing New Popular Front. His refusal confirms a case long made by the Left: it’s time to get rid of the French president’s monarchical powers.
The company expects to build capacity in areas with “relatively low labor risks,”
What does that mean? Is he looking for a Xinjiang-like region where they can minimize supply chain transparency to introduce forced labour?
In principle I agree, but I have a nitpick:
… don’t want industries with a future in the EU and keep us dependent on
fossil fuelsChinese renewable energy technology.
Just stumbled upon this on social media as a message to democratic countries:
Just stumbled upon this on social media as a message to democratic countries:
I deleted the word ‘Illegal’ from my initial title 'Illegal Chinese crimes syndicate …"
Das passt irgendwie dazu.
Olaf Scholz ist über AfD-Erfolg in Sachsen und Thüringen “bedrückt” — (Archiv-Link)