I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I think the majority of users here find this post odd because of the level of regret over this specific missed opportunity. Most people would not make a post asking for advice on how to move beyond regret unless the intensity and duration of regret were seemingly insurmountable. Those that do would likely do so if they were being tormented for quite some time over a major life-changing event: missed opportunity for love, career, riches, or fame. This post is seeking advice on how to move beyond regret over the missed opportunity of a video on removing a ring that is stuck because the fingers increased in size (not because of knuckles). It gives the impression that either your life is spectacular because missing an opportunity for a ring removal video is the most regretful experience of your life, or your fascination with ring removal is uniquely extreme. The latter would cause people to wonder what about ring removal could be so rewarding. Since it doesn’t have any evident answer, they consider your taste odd.

  • Until just now, this guy seemed to be a legit stable Republican: conservative social values and conservative fiscal policy. Apparently, I was mistaken. This guy’s public political values and stances were always what he needed to get ahead. Now, the dude did a surprise complete 180° on Trump, ruining any view of stability and trust the rational public had in him, just to run as Trump’s Vice President? A combat veteran that is now running under a convicted felon that attempted to overthrow the previous presidential election and has evident ties with Russia? No way. The Russians def got dirt on his ass. No one gets to work for Trump unless there’s coercive control. They’ve got kompromat on Vance, so they know he wont be a hero. Instead, he will follow orders. Vance has been compromised.

    Looking at the big picture, I’m thinking one of the few ways out of this mess is to give politicians an amnesty period. It will suck to let them get away with it, but they’re getting away with it anyway and bringing the country down in the process. Unless some super clean hero that also has insane political capital comes along, we either we let compromised politicians openly get away with whatever the Russians uncovered and clean up this Russian coup, or we let them get away with it and fall into an autocracy allied with Russia.

  • I might be one of the few that was already on their way out. I had been getting sick of Reddit It wasn’t the same thing it was when I first joined in ~2011ish. Back then, content was more scrutinized and users were kinder. As Reddit became mainstream, the content slowly changed to reflect that. It started to be more like an anonymous Facebook. I remember it sticking out especially after the Game Stop incident on WallStreetBets.

    A few months before the API fiasco, I was banned from a sub because they misunderstood a comment I made as violating their rules. Because I had been banned from another sub recently (I think I had joined a China one then commented in an anarchist one for the lulz), I was suspended from Reddit entirely for a week. I didn’t realize that I was doing it, but I used several usernames depending on what content I wanted to focus on. I commented using another username and was permabanned from Reddit entirely for trying to bypass the temp suspension. The specifics might be slightly different since I’m going from memory.

    From then on, I would lurk in my favorite subs sporadicall using Reddit is Fun. Once the API fiasco kicked off a few months later, there was a push for Reddit alternatives, which gave me the opportunity to find and join Lemmy. I’ve been here ever since.