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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Google has been rolling out a thing where an AI result is the first thing that pops up, often taking up the whole screen lol. I’ve personally witnessed tons of people google something normally, then just go with whatever the AI says.

    Makes me shake my head, but it’s not like they were very discerning with their sources before all this nonsense, either. Hopefully they don’t rely on it for any important medical advice down the road

  • Honestly I’ve done just about everything over the years except ultimates (I play with IRL friends and I’m happy if we can clear a savage tier lol)

    If I had to pick a “main” activity I think it would be parsing tbh, I really enjoy chasing the numbers. I level up all jobs and also try to perfect at least the basic rotation for all of them. I’ll hang out on party finder and jump into extreme farms on off jobs to practice.

    But there’s also been months where I’ve done nothing but like, ocean fishing, diadem, pvp (I love crystal conflict, best part about endwalker to me) and so on. That’s been one of my favorite things about the game; you can get totally wrapped up in a huge project. Almost like you can play the game to take a break from playing the game. Just recently we’ve gotten into treasure maps, super chill

  • Carnelian@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldhow is final fantasy XVI
    8 days ago

    I genuinely hate it lol, as do all of my friends IRL.

    We’re all huge into 14, which was produced by the same team. I mention it because there’s a ton of overlap with 14. The cinematography in the cutscenes and even the emotes the characters use feel lifted straight from the older game. The structure of the combat segments is also uncannily similar, they feel a lot like 14 dungeons. So, my group generally felt like the game got stale really quickly, which colored our impression as a whole.

    The moment-to-moment gameplay also feels like a hyper simplified version of the “rotation” system in 14. You have a basic filler combo, and larger more powerful moves that can only be used again after a long cooldown timer. I found it to be under-stimulating, even after unlocking a few more things.

    The story was awesome in the segments covered by the free trial, but then everything after that just kind of slipped off my brain. More than anything, I remember side quests in particular were really boring to the point where it felt like a joke.

    We were really hyped and really really wanted to like the game when we first heard about it, and we were super hyped after playing the demo, but in the end it just felt like a really unpleasant slog to actually play.

    At the same time however I can totally see why people do really enjoy the game. I think it’s a divisive release, and often the people who love/hate it will cite the exact same things but paint them in a different light. I ultimately wouldn’t not recommend the game, I think $50 is a really fair price for it too for what you’re getting

  • As mistaken as I believe they are, I can see why some women support him.

    Lots of single issue voters see him as the abortion ban guy. Also tons of people that don’t see “him and his ideas” per se, but are so immersed in conservative propaganda that they simply think “Trump presidency = my kids will be able buy a house and live a normal life”

    Then there’s the backfire effect, where people tend to double down on their beliefs instead of correcting them when presented with contradictory data. Obviously makes it really hard to pull someone out of the cult, needs a pretty extraordinary set of circumstances in many cases.

    Even then, usually it won’t stick. There’s a very well done essay, “The only moral abortion is my abortion” by Joyce Arthur, I highly recommend giving it a read. Women who faithfully protest at abortion clinics and harass other women will one day come in for their own abortion, and then be back to protesting the following day

  • Macs are like uncannily good at real-time audio processing, also audio and MIDI routing in general has less friction. Less tinkering in general when connecting external synths

    Like with anything you can find tons of people online who have no issues with their windows based production setup, YMMV. But macs are ubiquitous in the music space, from my experience I think it’s deserved

  • That’s where I’m at as well. Could go so many different ways; how do I know someone is intelligent? Do their conversations feel particularly deep to me? Do they invest their money well? Good at memorizing baseball facts?

    At a certain point yeah, obviously if they just have wind blowing around inside their head it’s unlikely that I would find them desirable as a partner. So in a way it is very important to me. But the vast majority of people are capable of nurturing loving and rewarding relationships rooted in who they are as a whole, whether or not they are remarkably intelligent. So in another way it’s not important at all

  • Sorry, but you’re simply incorrect about the facts. Pretending that this isn’t explicitly about weightloss when the article says as much in plain language makes me question whether or not you’re participating in this discussion in good faith. Yes it is in the context of treating diabetes, specifically the type caused by obesity, and the goal of the replacement diet is to address the obesity.

    And I would once again ask for specific evidence about the effectiveness of government sponsored obesity interventions in the last 40 years. “They actually want to address the problem” is not evidence that they have done so or will anytime soon. The point of contention here is not their motivation or trustworthiness, but their effectiveness. Insisting that we “better understand the entire biochemistry of the body” is also not evidence of an effective obesity intervention.

    Also extremely disingenuous to “shoo away” this point by saying they “actually get results”, when the only “results” you have provided are pasted paragraphs from this very article which only references short term testing on total meal replacement diets (which is not new information) that also acknowledges it hasn’t worked in the long term (which is also not new information).

    I will say once again as I have said in literally every comment in this thread, since much of your criticism of my point seems to be dependent on ignoring this, that the problem here is not in what someone and their doctor decide to do together to treat their obesity. It’s a problem of public messaging and context. We simply can’t have headlines going around implying that shake and soup diets have achieved some advanced status considering the damage similar diet schemes have caused and continue to cause. The messaging needs to be done very carefully because we live in the real world where sensationalism can cause real harm.

  • I think the NHS can do better now than private industry scams from 40 years ago

    I don’t mean to sound confrontational at all, but sincerely, why do you think that? Correct me if I’m wrong but there isn’t any evidence that government programs in general have ever been effective in reversing the obesity epidemic. Our medical knowledge has increased over the last 40 years yes, but nonetheless worldwide obesity has been on the rise and is accelerating.

    Not to suggest that we should just give up, quite the opposite. All I mean to say is that yes of course an 800 calorie total meal replacement shake system results in short term weight loss. With predictable regain when patients eventually stop. We’ve been through all of this before. As I said the nuance here will be with the medical supervision, but the extreme damage to the general public’s perception of weight loss caused by decades of misleading and contradictory information cannot be overlooked.

    I just don’t want people to see these preliminary results and then go off thinking they should try a cabbage broth diet for a few weeks, or some other such silliness. I don’t really see how the two can be un-conflated in the absence of specific cautionary messaging.