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Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2024


  • Such a fulfilling life you lead. Must get tiring receiving those propaganda orders from your handler. I’m honored that I’m such an important figure in your busy and important life that you deem it necessary to reply to me. Thanks!

    Biden aides in a genocide. Trump didn’t. And youre literally blaming trump for a pandemic happening under him?

    Swing and a miss, Bud. I don’t blame Trump for Covid, i blame him for his response to Covid. An important distinction that’s obviously too nuanced for you… Biden hasn’t “aided” in genocide any more at than any other American president. If you’re assertion was that he’s helped fuel one, then we can agree. But this idea that’s he’s got his hands dirtier than TRUMP is fucking stupid.

    Trump fumbled a pandemic response leading to the deaths of over a million Americans. AFTER he dismantled the pandemic response set up by Obama. Trump’s the mass murderer you claim Biden to be.