Wong Kei, Wardour Street, Chinatown, London 🍜
Wong Kei, Wardour Street, Chinatown, London 🍜
That’s a fair point, other than I do need to work at home on occasion!
I’ll have a good think about it.
I keep seeing these " time to move to Linux" threads. For my work I have to use super proprietary software which I know for a fact is Windows only. Not only that it’s GPU intensive CPU intensive and niche. I’m sure there’s a way to run Windows within Linux but I can only imagine the pain in trying to get proprietary shite to work.
On top of that I need specific CAD software, Photoshop and Illustrator. I don’t think any of these daily used programs support Linux.
From the outside, Linux just seems like an absolute ball ache to get working with all of the things I currently do without even thinking about it.
I’d love to do it. Not sure it’s going to work. Am I wrong?
I watched a couple Of live streams showing a graph for bandwidth as they flew. It tended to spike to around 180 MB a second when whole new areas were loading but during flight it was much much lower at around 10 to 15 MB per second.
This post reads like a really shit brag. I’m certain your daughter would also be doing great in life if you hadn’t harmed her.
You seem proud of causing her physical pain due to her unexpected expression of big emotions. You probably did great raising her on the whole if she is doing great in life, so why you would think that hitting her is the thing you want to highlight to randoms on the internet is weird.
Kids throw tantrums. It’s hard on parents when that happens, but those of us with kids (and probably many others too) have total sympathy for the parent in that situation. Some passersby will get annoyed, sure, but they can just turn the corner and not deal with it, so they will get over it.
Getting down to your kids’ level and talking through their behaviour and feelings is hard work, but it’s better than physically hurting a defenceless child.
Next time you fuck up, perhaps you should be slapped about? Or how about if your behaviour annoys me, perhaps I should slap you. Maybe I should wait until no one else can see though, I wouldn’t want to be judged or get into trouble, just like you took her home to hit her!
Internet forums hate kids on the whole, so I don’t expect many to agree with my views. But as a parent of some great kids, none who have ever been physically hurt by their parents, I can tell you there is always an alternative to being violent with them.
When I used to have Reddit on my phone, I’d look at it as soon as I woke up. There was new content constantly throughout the day so I kept coming back.
Lemmy doesn’t have the content churn, so I can genuinely just look once a day and spend an hour or so catching up. No FOMO! I much prefer it.
However I do miss some of the niche subreddits that got reasonable activity on Reddit and absolutely zero activity here. They were my favourite part of Reddit.
I’d take more activity in those niche places, but I don’t miss the addiction I had.
Spez let me go cold turkey for a while. Thanks (fuck) Spez.
I thought masks wouldn’t protect against a virus (being tiny) but might help slow the spread to others by stopping spittle/moisture filled with virus from covering real world objects.
How do they help you if no one else is wearing them?
Doesn’t appear to be on audible UK - is it on USA?
Just rented a Tesla on holiday. None of it works while driving.
Have to say though I do like the car!
I also can make up statistics.
The concept of f droid is great. The UI and UX absolutely suck.
However it is functional, it is free and isn’t run by a limitlessly budgeted mega corp.
I run some windows-only proprietary software. Realistically what’s the performance like with Wine or whatever it is that emulates windows?
I run a lot of GPU accelerated CAD
Parity in this case would likely mean nearly everyone just buys directly from steam. No doubt Sony would infect the gaming process by injecting their launcher no matter what you do, but steam will get their 30%.
I don’t know what Sony could offer on their own storefront that plays well with parity rules to make people choose it over steam.
But the thought of them operating their own store front and offering steam keys with every sale won’t happen. Valve have stopped that in the past.
Surely debts are taken from your estate?
Maybe the journalists that levelled the accusations public ally should contribute?
CGNAT is certainly becoming a real issue. In the UK at least legacy providers have millions of IP addresses in the bank and new disruptive providers do not have access to these except at extremely inflated rates.
When I changed one of these new disruptive providers I was unaware that CGNat would be imposed and all of my security cameras were no longer accessible. Fortunately they did move me off CGNat when I asked but they said it may not be forever.
Like always I don’t think this will be dealt with in any speedy capacity, unless we get lucky and some correctly positioned legislator can’t do what they want to do with their internet connection. Then it might get expedited.
I bet you are fun at parties
I watched it with my kids and felt uncomfortable. This sort of video is not the same as elephants toothpaste.
I don’t suffer through rober videos so my kids can now worry people want to drop bombs on them at a stadium.
Thanks mark.
This all works until Google cut off API access to a competitor right? Relying partly on a Google API is surely suicidal for a Google Search competitor…
Steam is a prime example of this. Not privately run it would have been bloated to extinction years ago.
Shareholders are leechers to quality. Dividends are not enough, the underlying asset must grow no matter what.
When Gabe croaks it Steam is fucked. It will go public.
I thought the issue was they wanted search engines to be able to see the content, but not non paying viewers? Hence slightly shitty paywalls.