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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 month ago
    1. sustained elevated heartbeat is what gets you into shape. Aim for long slow runs over erratic runs with walking mixed in.

    2. if you are doing this as a lifestyle thing, I commend you. If you are an early riser, 5am runs are the way to go. However, find a running schedule that is sustainable. If you find yourself struggling to keep at the morning runs, adjust your schedule into one that allows you to be routine.

    Best of luck

  • You’re putting words in my mouth. I am not claiming democracy led to Israeli zionism. I am claiming that liberalism did.

    Make no mistake: I am not attempting to conflate democracy and capitalism. I am making the claim that the two are incompatible. If anyone is trying to conflate capitalism and democracy, it is you.

    I’m not going to get into the weeds with you about how democratic Israel is, but it’s clear to anyone with a basic understanding of liberalism that Israel is indeed a country based on liberalism values.


    The values espoused in Israeli basic law are textbook liberalism:

    • protection of private property
    • protection of personal liberties
    • freedom of movement
    • Supreme rule of law
    • guarantees of no violations of enshrined rights

    Israel is a textbook liberal state, and its withering down to fascism has already been predicted by leftist theory. Make a venn diagram of the values espoused in Israel’s basic laws and values promoted in classic liberalism, and you have a circle.

    Try to understand the article i referenced earlier, which is the crux of my argument. Liberalism enables fascism.

  • If you think the issue lies in one bombastic and opportunistic president, and not our deity-like elevation of these lifetime-appointed robed clerics who are the only ones we entrust to interpret the constitution as if they have some divine patriotism, then you have been oriented by the democratic party away from what would otherwise be discontentment with the political system, and instead against the republican party which, as it just so happens, makes you fall in line with the democratic party and their fundraising strategies. The democrats desperately want you to ignore the gaping insecurities, volatility, and exploitation in our political system and instead instill a fear of Republicans.

    Trump merely saw how easy it’d be to capture our judicial system that was devised by 20 year old white slavers only 4 generations ago. He correctly identified how the Supreme law of the land is all based on a flimsy interpretation of the honor system: we appoint justices for life and basically just trust them to play nice for their entire tenure without provisions to deal with judicial capture. It’s honestly a miracle we’ve gotten this far without more judges being captured.

  • Are body cams really providing justice? Where is Sonya’s justice? Hailing body cams as the ultimate police reform is the type of thing I’d expect a cop to say. For people who have been experiencing this racist police violence for generations, it’s clear that body cams are at best a half measure, and at worst a means of documenting all of the brutal murders that pigs continue to carry out on innocent people while body cams are running. The answer isn’t in body cams, but in comprehensive police reform. So long as the pigs are running around with sus norse tattoos, toxic masculinity (“nah im good” -cop who just developed a tremor in has hand after holding in the brains of a gasping woman for 5 min), guaranteed firearms, no psychological training, gang support via departments, body cams aren’t really going to do shit to protect at-risk people.

    I am very critical of this ultra pro body cam discourse. It seems like a distraction. Make no mistake, there is no justice today because of the body cams present for Sonya’s execution.

  • If you fault squatters in the midst of a homelessness crisis where upwards of 20 houses are left vacant for every unhoused person, you are either a landlord, or you have been oriented by the landowning class to ignore the massive economic and societal advantage that landlords have. To say that the issue comes down to squatters, and not to the hedge funds that are buying up streets-worth of housing at a time, is an affront to working-class people everywhere who are struggling more and more to obtain a home.

    I say fuck yeah to squatters. Based. That is the “risk” that comes with being a landlord, and sometimes they strike out, so they can get fucked.

  • The rich and powerful of the nation are coordinating to usher in fascism at lightning speed, and you’re worried about the 500 pinkos who won’t vote Biden because of his complicity in genocide? You’ve taken the same side as MAGA in blaming all the country’s problems on leftists. It is misdirection. You’ve been effortlessly oriented to be so wickedly invested in American electoralism, that you now have zero reservations about voting for candidates who both want genocide.

    In 30 years, will you still be militantly democrat when the choice is between a dem who wants 5 genocides and a republican who wants 10?

    Fascism Is Possible Not in Spite of Liberal Capitalism, but Because of It

    Edit: Also, Musk could continue doing these monthly payments for the next 460 years without making another cent ever again. This notion of “wasting his money” is silly. Each month takes a mere 0.02% hit on his account.

  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCrypt force one.
    2 months ago

    This only logical conclusion to this naive utilitarianism is reaching a point 30 years from now when liberals will be frothing at the mouths in support of the dem candidate who wants 5 genocides as opposed to the republican who wants 10.

    There is a legend about a certain species of caterpillar that can only cross the threshold of metamorphosis by seeing its future butterfly. Proletarian subjectivity does not evolve by incremental steps but requires non-linear leaps, especially moral self-recognition through solidarity with the struggle of a distant people, even when this contradicts short-term self-interest, as in the famous cases of Lancashire cotton workers’ enthusiasm for Lincoln and later for Gandhi. Socialism, in other words, requires non-utilitarian actors, whose ultimate motivations and values arise from structures of feeling that others would deem spiritual. Marx rightly scourged romantic humanism in the abstract, but his personal pantheon—Prometheus and Spartacus, Homer, Cervantes, and Shakespeare—affirmed a heroic vision of human possibility that no longer seems to have any purchase in our fallen world.

    Mike Davis

  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    3 months ago

    I don’t see how an investigation into which of the ruling class’ two political parties will do more genocide on Palestinians has anything to do with me calling out your dystopian and perverted view of democracy. No one is claiming that Biden will be worse for Palestinians.

  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    3 months ago

    Leftist started grumbling about Biden’s inadequacy right after he barely won the general. They started yelling after he sold out railway workers. They started sounding alarm bells once his polling started to trail Trump’s during the latter’s multiple concurrent criminal cases. They started screeching once the genocide started on Oct 7.

    For you to sit here now and throw your hands up saying “well its too late! we don’t have an alternative!” does nothing other than show how ignorant you have been these past few years. Your head has been in the sand, and this backslide into fascism we’re seeing now is the only logical conclusion. The leftists were right about Biden all along, and that is becoming increasingly clear as time goes on.

  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    3 months ago

    ^ What happens to a mfer with no concept of class consciousness and a lack of understanding of the present dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The only way forward that doesn’t involve fascist genocide is the creation of a true workers’ party. Yes, the implication is that a workers’ party would be for the complete dissolution of the United States, but that is what is needed right now.

    If you disagree, you may as well tell any of the families of the 35k ethnically cleaned Palestinians that they must indefinitely wait until you get your genocidal ecocidal government (which was devised only 4 generations ago by rich, white, landowning slavers) sorted out.

    “Just hold on folks! We are still figuring this out!”. Bullshit. We tried our experiment, and we quickly failed. The backslide into genocidal fascism has begun. The only recourse is to abandon American electoralism, read Marx, and start planning for what comes next. We have a moral obligation to look at our genocidal nation and call a spade a spade. Dispelling the chauvinist myth that we as Americans protect the world and dispense limitless freedom to all is one of the first baby steps from liberal to leftist, and admittedly it’s not easy.