Could be basically any japanese company 😅
How bout the where ever you are larm?
I once found a fake Harry Potter book named Harry Potter and Deatbly Hallows, probably just a pirated version of the actual book, never read it, but funny to not spell-check the name.
This july I finally realized that I have no choice but consciously change the ways I think and react to things. There has been plenty of difficult things in my life the last couple of years and after experiencing a burnout (again, I understood afterwards it’s not the first time but hasn’t been this bad before) this summer I had to look myself in the mirror and decide to start making changes, things can’t go on like this anymore, I can’t keep on living like this anymore. It’s sad that it seems often these realizations only come when one hits the bottom in a way or another.
I’ve been to a 3-year therapy and tried meds and so on, I’m sure they “paved the path” but didn’t help me comprehend why I have these troubles that I have and didn’t give me the understanding/empathy towards myself and others that is needed to actually change the thought and reaction models that are problematic, especially anger and shame issues.
Anyways I’ve been looking at videos on youtube about CPTSD and they have helped me a lot. Especially I find Tim Fletcher’s videos useful as he thoroughly looks into the underlying issues and different ways CPTSD shows up in people, just the facts as they are. He’s kind of an old school lecturer type guy, nothing fancy and shiny (needs to be taken with a grain of salt though as he doesn’t seem to have understanding on ADHD/autism and has religious aspects in some of his videos).
Of course being recently diagnosed with ADHD gives more light to why I’m the way I am. But now I’ve been able to start to work on my stuff from a different angle and it seems to take an effect! A difficult and rocky path but I suppose the first steps are the hardest.
Two plus two is four, minus one that’s three QUICK MATHS! -Roadman Shaq
My mom and her husband were checking out a flat and the real estate agent had their fly open. After that they’d refer to her as “the fly-open” and remind each other of that person every now and then. I wasn’t there yet I remember the case. So I give you second generation memory of an awkward person!
That object, my friend, is me.
I find it easier to make friends with people that are also on the spectrum and then other stuff comes on top of it, rather than trying to find friends through a shared interest and then trying to adjust to normies strange way of being 😅 (although it seems that many of my friends that I made through a shared interest in the first place later turned out to be on the spectrum…)
Meowdy Purrtner!
I hope this is not Finland like the name Sisu would suggest as it’s very much forbidden to make any live fires at the moment - wildfire warning is set for the whole country. People are ignoring the warnings and starting forests fires with careless campfires, cigarette butts and such. :(
Aww what a fine chonker he is! I love that face! Clearly not his turn with The Brain Cell
Indeed! Haven’t heard of this, thanks for sharing! :)
They all seem related, even the dog
Wow! Real art that looks like AI art!
Those are some heckin good lookin kitties right there!
Not a short story but I recall we read Call of the Wild in school. Some nice animal cruelty for kids to think about.