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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Einstein is a jewish that lived through the Russian revolution and lived in Germany during the rise of Hitler before his escape to the US. As far as period accounts he’s as good as you’re gonna get, and I don’t know about you but I don’t think we’re going to find a more intelligent person alive during that period but if you want to give examples that aren’t nazis or people that said nice things about nazis I’m certainly open to them.

    And he was an extremely active leftist politically during the period. You should read his essay, Why Socialism? It’s a good introductory piece for people.

    Also something of a smart man.

    Page 14 of the 260 page FBI file on him states the following:

    Not even Stalin himself is affiliated with so many anarcho-communist international groups to promote this “preliminary condition” of world revolution and ultimate anarchy, as Albert Einstein.

    Those files are a fun read, do recommend them. Available on the FBI vault here.

  • Can you give me an example of the ancom flag being raised by revolutionaries that hasn’t involved a coalition between anarchists and communists? I don’t think there’s a single instance of it historically but I’d be really interested in seeing an example if one exists.

    When the group is only made up of anarchists, the black flag is raised. The entire symbolic point of the red and black flag is the coalition of the two.

    Calling the Spanish revolutionaries “MLs cosplaying as ancoms” is absurd historical revisionism, and really honestly offensive to everyone that fought and lost to the fascists.

  • It’s the ancom flag and has been used to represent the hand in hand coalition of anarchist and communist forces many many times. You’d enjoy learning about the Sandinistas in Nicaragua they had a cool thing going on, got fucked by the americans though. The CNT also used it in revolutionary Spain which was again the coalition of ML and anarchists.

    None of these are “stealing it”. They are anarchists and communists working together.

  • I really can’t agree with you though that all those sources are from the Falun Gong

    I can connect all of your sources to an obsession with Falun Gong incredibly easily.

    First link: Google the author, Ruth Ingram. This is a fake name used to spread literally nothing but organ harvesting content that ALL mentions Falun Gong.

    Second link: Wang Guoqi’s claim is solely about Falun Gong.

    Third link: Is just a wikipedia page so we should be tossing this out anyway. Several citations are Falun Gong though.

    Fourth link: Relies mainly on presenting ChinaTribunal as a legitimate court tribunal by real courts when it is in fact a propaganda outlet. This “independent tribunal” gets presented as such and its conclusion is dadadadadadadaaaaa - that Falun Gong members are the primary source of organs that China harvests. It then vaguely connects this to Uighurs later in the article but offers literally zero evidence, only accusations.

    You will not find anything on this topic that you can disconnect from Falun Gong. It is impossible because Falun Gong is the source of it. I can stick around and enjoy going down this rabbit hole with you though if you want to try, I am quite happy to be a wall you bounce things off, it’s pretty crazy.