I just don’t remember if that was a flash forward or concurrent with Eudy reaching Fittoa. Like there’s a scene with Fitz that was definitely a scene from further this season.
I just don’t remember if that was a flash forward or concurrent with Eudy reaching Fittoa. Like there’s a scene with Fitz that was definitely a scene from further this season.
Not in order of preference:
• Tulli - Visiting Corinna (P1V3) Tulli actually seeing Myne be competent at something when negotiating with Benno and learning how much she actually earn.
• A place still far from here (P2V1) Tulli going to the rich part of town to take inspiration to become a better seamstress in the future.
• Cinderella and a book for the high priest (P2V2) Ferdinand finding out what printing actually is. Also the differing perspectives on books - works of art vs crystallisations of knowledge.
• Epilogue (P2V2) Ferdinand seeing Myne’s memories of earth
• Completion of the metal letter types/Title of Gutenberg (P2V3) Both perspectives of how printing would change history.
• The new me/Ripped apart/Epilogue (P2V4) Myne’s transition to noble society as well as her funeral.
• Epilogue (P3V1) Lutz seeing the archnoble Rozemyne and deciding to work towards catching up.
• Being my little sister’s knight (P3V1) Cornelius’ pov of Rozemyne.
• Prologue (P3V2) Effa’s meeting with Rozemyne.
• The night of Schutzaria (P3V2) First attempt that failed. Huge feymonster trapped by Roz. Justus keeping her awake by talking about the RA library.
• Wilfried’s day as the high bishop (also the corresponding chapters from Roz side) (P3V3)
• The goddesses’ bath/Night of Flutrane (P3V3)
• Epilogue (P3V3) Ferdinand and Rozemyne making the promise to grow feyplants in 10 years when the mana situation is better in exchange for a library.
• Angelica’s manablade (P3V4)
• The jureve and Mana compression (P3V5) Of note was the interaction of Ferdinand ignoring all of Rozemyne’s warnings and reaching the same conclusions she already told.
• Grandfather on the day of baptism (P3V5) First time Bonifatius pov.
• In place of my older sister (P3V5) Charlotte trying to fill in for Rozemyne.
P4 on has far more that’ll be much easier to write from a pc so I’ll be editing those in later.
He doesn’t have any clue specifically. Pretty sure it was Paul who told him that this was a region he hadn’t searched at all. So it’s a matter of covering as much land as possible.
Roxy found Rudy and Zenith’s location from Kishirika (when she reached her home in demon kingdom) but I don’t know where that fits in the timeline with Rudy right now.
That chapter made me cry even with MTL. Says a lot about how good it is ok story alone.
So Elvira didn’t actually figure out that Rozemyne was a commoner. She was told from the beginning. What she did figure out was who her family were based on her interactions.